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Following the success of Neon Dream and Air for Air, Antony's newest work Breach will be taking over Babekuhl's basement gallery for two weeks.


Breach will transform the gallery into a dream-world of light, smoke and sound, whisking viewers out of the real and plunging them into the fantastical.


Head down the stairs, along a boardwalk suspended in the smoke, into Breach's interactive, electronic beating heart: a pressurised sphere of pulsating music and sound that motion-tracking technology allows you to control with only your hands.


Breach will be installed at Babekühl Gallery from the 22nd April to 2nd May. Open Wednesday-Friday 12pm-6pm, Sat-Sun 11am-5pm.

Opening night launch from 6-9pm on Thursday 22nd, with drinks provided by Atomic Beer Project.

Entry is free. Viewers can support the artist's work with a small donation on entry. 

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